by the lake
Sunday, January 28, 2007
♥ 2:59 AM

cool. this week was a total what u call i dun care liao.
aniwaes 26 jan is my marmee's b'dae lor. so bought her a keychain saying "trust in the LORD". it's from the bookshop anyway. wow. my marmme was like "thank you nana. I LOVE YOU!!!" goosebumps. ._. hahax no lah i am alos very happy that my mum issh very satisfied with the present but not like "WHY IS THE PRESENT SO EXPENSIVE?? DO YOU NOE THAT WE ARE NOT THAT KIND OF RICH FAMILIES??" k i am very xin yun.

i found out that i seem to use proper english in my blog. i think is like very very awyward larhs. i dunno but then when did i started having this symptoms arhh??

then another thing. i went to practice with alwyn for the thing. that "wo AI qian" teacher de story telling. si alwyn chou alwyn. why must he pull me down with him arhh..??? aniwae i am telling a whatever story on 14 feb which is----- valentine's day!!! wow.

yahhs. when i was practicing with him there were two gals. one name michelle (kwok) and the other is rachel with i think is alos in the AHwong's class bahhs. wow. we (gals) are totally CAPTIVATED by the alwyn's imitations. wow like he is shho sho shho pro. first is ofcourse his major victim - MR EUGENE SIMON!!!!

wahkao. so funny lor. still got other victims but then i got no time to tell u. gotta shut off the comp now. aniwaes that day i was like so high distracting alwyn. kip sayin " MA, WO YOU ZHONG CASE LE!!!" in a very desperate tone. wah lao. laugh like siao and then kip banging the table with my fists.

i will try to link the PHSCO blog next time. then nid to go andd practice miie pipa and piano. the zin zhong ye hui we go HEI HEI!!! hahax. :D

then the piano i was like kip pressing the keys wrongly. so nid tuhh go anddpractice liao le lor. buaiix.

by the lake

Tuesday, January 23, 2007
♥ 2:10 AM

i think the MLG thing is shho like problematic.
yahhs. last time i logged into Ms Doreen Tang's website=cannot.
just now=can liaoxx

grrr. i am a typical xiaozarbor. can get angry easily de. shenjingbing. >.<

last friday. wow.
hahax. we were all like screaming our heads off then... er, how to say?
oh. i wrote on the board:

"Janice: Desperate with tiao yin qi
Yuting/Justin: Desperate with scissors"

wow. i am glad that i am shhhhho brave ^.^
lolxxx. because janice's tiao yin qi was like not working and then she kept banging it elsewhere like siao. daohan was watching her lorr. then the yuting and justin were playing with scissors, and obviously they were threatening each other lorr. diaodiaodiao

by the lake

Sunday, January 14, 2007
♥ 2:40 AM

so long since the last time i posted.
ok. i will use STANDARD ENGLISH in this post because i feel like it lorr >.<

so now what i wanna say is that today i went for churh right? yahhs. u noe de
then its like after the church service gott the what u call the choir practice lah. then i never go because i am not in the choir mahhs. feel like joining but then gott a lot of things to do. then this year SYF lorr. april de lehh.

then after the choir is the youth fellowship thingy lorr. todae is opening ceremony lorr. too bad my friend is not there with me. i suddenly feel a strong urge of anger in me. i don't know why but maybe it's because of the absence of the friend?? or maybe it is the starting of the programme too boring liaoxx. then i am like a bit pang-seh ed.

gtg liaox :X

by the lake

Tuesday, January 09, 2007
♥ 2:17 AM

9th january

todae the AH-WONG damn zhuai!!!
ok. i call her MRS WONG can??

i gott sing the NATIONAL ANTHEM larrs. shit shit shit.
then she go andd say all those crap??!! i dunnoe but then i think that our whole class got sing de lorr.

watever shit aniwaes.
hahax. andd then todae the MRS LIM go andd call us run run run! i very very very very very tired!!!! *groanx

must must find time tuhh do running with mummy liaox... X(

eunice blog de song nicenice!! haha.
everything is nice for me.

by the lake

Monday, January 08, 2007
♥ 5:37 AM

ok. do u guys think that i have ATTITUDE PROBLEM??!!

its not that somebody said this alright. i think this way. lorrhx
of course i noe that i have "VERY EXTREME" mood swings. right. and, maybe i am very arrogant in that person's eyes. and i really am PSYCHOTIC at times.

but seriously, i swore to myself that i will change in sec2. TOTALLY. no more crybaby. no more sucking attitude. and God is witnessed to this. yup :D

saw the CO blog just now. no more BLACK!! yay... but then too white liaox.. quite blank lar. must add things. but then the designer took three hours to like design the FANTASTIC blog skin. wow. very pei fu him larrx. seriously the skin very nice larr. even miie mother say the "fireworks" at the side very nice :D

really lorrx. i using computer then she came and saw the blog larr. lol.

we're very lucky that MR LIM KEON SUAI is our science teacher!! XD

by the lake

Sunday, January 07, 2007
♥ 1:55 AM

the internet issh shho LAG!! andd i wrote "SHIT" all over an A4 size paper because of that... XDDD

yesterddae i did the forum. very tired... ZZZzzz... so i think that the whole thing looks okay bahhs?? i dunnoe. mae-b need to like change the colour or something?? aiyaz... let the teacher see first then hear her opinion lorr.

gtg liaoxx. anyway got tuhh noe a gurl in our class named michelle... heeheex. then mel changed her blog add liaox. very like "cannot really see what word is it"...

by the lake

Saturday, January 06, 2007
♥ 12:02 AM

quite long never blogged liaoxx
many things happened in the first week of skool

i wrote all this in skool -

3rd of January
Boring!! but hen gott spot check. Hehex :)
Mr Wee said (sacarstically) that this is the first one of this yr.

At first when everything started, i tot that i really had sleeping pills for breakfast. ZZzzz... Yahx. They tok really REALLY SLOW. Then this year's theme is "Build to Last". Yup. Quite nice arrh?
Wednesday: 1.35pm dismiss! :) but then still gott CO lorrhx
(in fact, its every day 1.35pm dismiss. i din noe that until i gott muaii timetable ltr on... XD )

When we were going out of the Hall, Mr Sim - ahhs, our form teacher XD - came and asked miie: "Tui? Tui?" Then i said "Huh?" alot of times then in the end he said "Elephant? 2 Endurance?" Then i said "Yah..." XDD

miie ears are failing. Lorrhx :)

Today i forgot tuhh bring school tie and report book. BANG WALL LAHH!!! Then this year's register number for miie is 4. -again... (becos durin primary 4 i am oso register number 4 mahhx)

We have ProMO camp. Lorrhx (4-5 Jan)
Day One - 5pm end
Day Two - 3pm end - this two days wear PE attire :)

*Friday - 7.30pm gott parent meeting sess. <--wear skool uniform X(

(and on that day i was nominated as study rep!! stupid derr... then led miie tuhh this plight where i have tuhh do the forum. andd i cannot blame anibodi because i am study rep arrhh??!!)

4th of January
Another sian day... NOISY!! Thirsty and tired!! Had fun as well larr. Games lor. Like for example...

1.hula hoop thingy (i am too lazy tuhh explain tuhh ya... >.< )
2.Scissors-Paper-Stone (with runnin on benches)
3. ?? i forgot liaoxx :(

Then i cheered until lao ban tian. Sore throat, thirsty. *Coughs X
Must drink MORE WATER!!!!

i think i gott flu liaoxx. maeb because of yesterdae. it rained. Brr..... COLD!!

Hantu-Ghost Tohan-God Kutu-Lice
these are malay words i have learned from Maiza. :)

we just watched "Over The Hedge". chao bang de!!
the characters are shho CUTE!!

Yayxx!! 2 Endurance won in the cheering competition!! Champion siaxx X)
Just now went back home. Ate dinner then SLEPT immediately. Hahax. I'm a PIG. lorrhx
Wun be accompanying Janice tmr. She requested miie to pei her tmr after camp to go sectional practice. HAIIISH. Tired lerr.
i did the forum aniwae. Haiiish. i very blur de. i dunnoe wat i am doin aniwae... X(

5th of January
i din noe that Shuangling's mother is also called "serena". Wow :)

haiish... The forum gott so many things tuhh do huh?! Lorrhx. hu call miie tuhh be the study rep? X)
today must practice piano lerr!!! Oh nooooooo..........! Pipa oso. Gott one new teacher came tuhh CO on wednesdae... Dunnoe who he is. But then i think he okay larr.

I wana play PC!!!! X(

Very bored at home and at skool lehs. Gott nuthin tuhh do derr.

Just now did one Sudoku puzzle. then read a book. X)

They are now playing Captain's Ball. Sian
The other class, they're so bloody rude lorr. They keep like, successfully blocked the ball. *hmph X(

(then at that moment maizatul and brande kip on sayin "what the fcuk??" lorrhx)

Just now cot by ms kee, the very firce chinese 'cher. haiiish. hu call miie so hungry. then so many teachers... hai.... I dun care. Very bored!!

i was like u noe. Paid the 50 cents - for toast, kaya toast - ,then she came and said, "Are u sec 1?" then i said sec 2 lar. then she asked "Are u having Break time?" Of course no! i very hungry de lehhs! then she said, "i give u a choice. u eat now, then ltr u follow miiee ok?" i very embarassed now!! X(

wow. So many peeps cheer fer Shuangling X)
She really popular ehh?

(i wrote till here)

by the lake

Tuesday, January 02, 2007
♥ 6:11 AM


hahax. sad larrs!! so fast oredi the last day of the most anticipated holidays during the monotonious studying days!!! haaiiiiiish.... very PEK CHEK!! eeeiiiyer.

tmr onwards i will be a sec 2 liaoxx. siannn.
i dun think that i can really be a good senior lahhs. or else u tell miie. can i be a good senior?? huh? i dun think so.

this attitude of mine... haaiiish.
I AM SO BLUR LAHH. how can i set a good example? lorrhx

thenn the school work will be like. u noe, so MUCH TOUGHER. grr.
aiiiyohh. i am very mah fan de. having mood swings recently. tsk tsk.

wadeva. i am trying miie best. AND I WILL! ^.^
erm. i mean GOODNIGHT >.<

by the lake

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