by the lake
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
♥ 11:17 PM


and so long since the last tyme i cum to post lerrs.
but then i still need to go back skool for CO practices. haix. cannot avoid de mahhs.

the "princess hours" de soundtrack i wanna buy!!! tsubasa comics oso buy!!! haix. but thne mii mummy said that onli can choose one. i tink that i will choose comics. bcos songs can b downloaded online mahhs.
and then still need to go marilyn house to do projects.. haix. secondary skool lyfe is sure tiring.

and i found out that i actualli didnt realli go and check fer the details for JUNG YUN HO. guess that mae-b i not so concerned 'bout moi "lao gong" ehhs? and i not so crazy 'bout him either lehs. i tink i jus like him but not lurvve him lorrs... gort " no tyme to lurrve him"...
pipa songs are actualli quite nice.... now then i realise. mae-b i shud find tyme 2 do sum music appreciation lehhs...

by the lake

Friday, October 20, 2006
♥ 8:26 AM

haix... this is wat i wrote in skool-----

Duhhs... nuthin 2 do lehhs...
dunno why gort 2 peeps in class hav presentx... Lihui 'n' Brande...

Lihui's b-dae is 21st Oct->TMR...
lolx... tmr 12 noon SMS her "Happi b-dae"?? Haix... wat 2 giv her?? Then Jeffrey gort one round bear (soft toy larrs)... wrapped in wrapper as well...

But aniwaes.. I'm neither jealous nor envious of them...

i mae-b go 2E next yr... not confirmed yet larrs...

2dae xiao li jun came... she gone through 24 ops. !!! OMG!!! cannot bliv it...
saw her video... suddenli feel lyke cryin... touched by her courage to face up all her difficulties in lyfe...

3 yrs ago she came to talk to the current Sec 4s..

duhhs.. i dislike people translatin in a speech... so waste of time... y dun everibodi learn Chinese? Haix...

But the main thing is that God's love changed her lyfe...

Father, Former husband, xiong shou--- these 3 peeps...


these guys made her lose confidence and love in lyfe...
made her be disfigured and not have a complete body...

but then she has a filial 21 yrs ole' son
lolx... a bit envious of her... dunno y??
very neng gan...---> 9 yrs ole able 2 cook lerrs... WOW...

wateva... wanna se her biography and her CD as well... Quite interested in her lyfe...
LOL... :P

by the lake

Wednesday, October 18, 2006
♥ 6:22 PM

didn't improved in moi SA results... "tui bu" lerrs, to b precise...

although i did not improve, i still hev next yr's chance.... and next yr is a crucial yr 4 mii... i hav no chice but 2 realli buck up... startin from now...

n now it's still a blue sky 4 miii... it hadn't turned grey actualli... bcos i b-lieved that GOD will be there to comfort mii wherever i m... i believe in him... and i oso hav to buck up moiself larrs!!! >.<

there is oso another reason... i still hav moi music "carreer" to carry on... :)

by the lake

Tuesday, October 17, 2006
♥ 3:03 AM

i am realli pissed off by moi EOYs results 2dae...

wat has realli happened 2 mi?? i do not noe... u go ask mii i go ask who?? wateva... BUT THEN I REALII GAVE UP ON MOI LITERATURE!!!!!!

the truth is... i flunked the literature EOY exam. lolx... gort 45 marks upon 100.... and this suck lyk duno wat...

moi geog gort onli 56 (rounded up).... waliao..... haix... nvr b4 in moi lyfe have i gort this kinda results... mae-b bcos i did not put in all of moi effort??? i m not sure...

i m not envious of others that has gotten higher results than mii. n i didn't say that i hate them or watsoeva... its jus that this is moi punishment... i "huo gai"....

i m not sad or wat... its jus that i realli hav 2 reflect on it lerr...nvr mind... i will smile...

by the lake

Monday, October 16, 2006
♥ 6:44 AM


thinkin that i m jus bored to death quite soon...
cannot go arcade wif melmel siax... *SOBSOB*

yupps... on one hand i wanna practise moi pipa... i plae quite "lan" 2dae... the "ah xi tiao yue"... that song realli SUCKS!!!!!!! but then gort no choice... we are to plae that song 4 PHS open house... one the other hand moi mum oso wanted mii 2 practise as well... bcos 2dae i brought the pipa home...

aiyas... school one lehhs... and oso very VERY VERY HEAVY!!!!!! now then i know how justin feels when i didn't practise n yet he brought his pipa home n practice until siao lyke that... haix.... feelin guilty now... senior "yi shen zuo ze", i oso mus "kan pa thei" lerrs~!!!!

but then i still wanna go out n plae!!!! bored to death quite soon...

by the lake

Saturday, October 14, 2006
♥ 1:13 AM

cannot b-leev it...

i got "merit" 4 moi piano xam!!! ^.^ YAY!!!
yupps... this is the first piano xam i eva had... grade 2 only larr...

but then it's still worth celebratin'... >.<

haix... more bored then eva... i still doin the friedrich... i very pro rite?? >.<

I WAN NEW PIPA 'N' PIANO!!!!!!!! haix... these => top on the wishlist...
realli... moi pipa "quite" spoiled lerrs... oredi 10++ or mae-b 20++ yrs ole'!!! bcos moi mum used it when she was quite young... the piano oso... it's moi granpa giv her de... but then he died... lung cancer... man, i want 2 cry again... *sniff*

anithin larrs... i better jia you in the friedrich scrapbk lerrs!!!

by the lake

Friday, October 13, 2006
♥ 2:07 AM


i still have moi Friedrich sacrapbook haven do finish yet.... ( i very pro rite??)

2dae i skipped CO sectional practice... yah... duno why... dun feel lyke goin bcos janice oso not goin?? or mae'b bcos mel was sick?? or BOTH?? i duno...

mel seems 2 b very sick. she told mii that she has a heavy running nose. and then that her face was oso veri pale and her eyes was quite red... (izit bcos of plae-ing audition until she was in that condition??... watever... hope that she will get well soon!! >.<

and then horrs.... MEL MEL... RMB MOI B'DAE PRESENT HORRS!!! well... i seem 2 b a lil' cruel 2 her... how can a sick person move about lyke that?? nvm lorrs...

well... i better buck up wif moi Freiedrich scrapbk. lerrs!! >.<

p.s. moi birthdae is on 12 oct '93...

by the lake

Wednesday, October 11, 2006
♥ 3:49 AM

2DAE CO practice rox!!!! all bcos of Zhu Lao shi... (okies... pls dun call him a pig...)

He is our new TBY( Tan Buo Yue) 'cher...
He rox!!! can teach us soooo...well... LOLx

He's oso sooooo... young!!! onli 17 yrs ole' lehhhs... but yet teach (a lil' bit) better than Zhou Lao shi......... 'n' then he is oso very cute.... dots....

BUt then i m not in lurrve in him larrs!! Dun "wu hui" kies??? (admit it... you tot in ur heart that mii 'n' him is the best couple... XIANG DE MEI!!!!!)

i Guess that i hav 2 improve on moi pipa as well... if not then i very guilty lerrs... gort a nice 'cher teach miii 'n' yet i dun do welll... doesnt make sense rite??

then horrs... Qiao ni saes that all 'chers combine together then it is "king of vegetable pork porridge"... bcos "cai zhu zhou wang" mahhs!!! laugh moi head off sia...

by the lake

Tuesday, October 10, 2006
♥ 6:43 PM

yoz.... bored here...
gort nuthin 2 do realli...

2DAE STILL GORT CO PRACTICE!!!! wat the *toot* (x3)

anithin larrs... but y nus tell us 2 go back 4 CO practice

wateva... 'n' that oso means that i hav 2 go 'n' practice moi pipa... LOL...
I 4 gort everythin lerrs!! how 2 practice??

by the lake

♥ 1:12 AM

this is moi first tyme creatin blog...
realli "gong" 'bout blogs...
thx 2 melmel...
haix... aniwaes.... frm now onwards i m goin to write moi diary here..


p.s. pls, can teach mii how to do blogs (if you wan)???

by the lake

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